Sunday, January 24, 2010

Watching Movies - With Who?

There's something about watching movies that has always prevented me from doing so by myself.  Somehwere along the line it was ingrained in my head that watching movies is something you do with other people, while playing video games and watching TV is something you do by yourself.  As a result, I watch far fewer movies than I'd like.  Occasionally I'm able to find an environment where I'm comfortable watching solo - the inspiration for this blog was that I'd started watching movies late at night over the summer.  But I've never been able to watch them alone at my home computer.

I can identify a few possible explanations for this.  Maybe I think movies are a social experience because I'm more interested in discussing them with people right after they finish, and I can't do that if I watch them by myself.  Though this is probably a lie given how most of my post movie discussions can be reduced to
That was pretty good.
[Random funny quote from the movie.]
Haha!  [Random other quote, possibly in response to the first one.]
Haha!  Yeah.
So... Settlers of Catan, anyone?
Comedies are always better with other people.  It's just easier to laugh when other people are around.  Your laughter fuels theirs and theirs fuels yours in this loop that exagerates how funny everything is.  This is why bad comedians on television still get people laughing at them, and why live readings by David Sedaris are much better than reading his books.

I have this theory that I don't like watching movies by myself is that I don't like pausing movies in the middle, and when I'm by myself I'm always secretly hoping someone will call me up and get me to go do something cool with them.  TV is easier because you only have to commit to 45 minutes, and video games can be left.  This fits in with the other OCD thing I do where in public places I'm always looking at the entrance to whatever room I'm in checking to see if people I know come in.  I'm always hoping for someone to hang out with.  I don't know how accurate this is, since there's been plenty of times I've just holed up for the evening with no intention of seeing anyone and still been unable to put on a movie, but I think it's a start.  I am weird.

The most likely explanation is just habit.  I'm a creature of habit - moreso than anyone else I can think of.  I like the routine.  I'm totally fine if people invite me to do things, but I don't take the initiative towards the new by myself.  And simply put, my routine is that I don't watch movies by myself.  To break that routine I would need someone else to step in and break it for me, but by that point we're at least two in number, and the routine hasn't been broken after all.

Whatever the case, I think it's time for a change.  I'm tired of having an enormous list of movies to see that only ever gets longer.  It's time to sit down, boot up the compy, turn on utorrent, head to the library, badger my friends, or whatever it takes to get me to watch more movies.


  1. with ...... WHOM


    also, I play a lot of settlers now.

  2. No you're wrong. Whom has fallen so far out of common usage that it can only still be called a part of the English language because snotty professors and grammar Nazis say that it is. In a decade or two, no one will even pretend anymore.

    We learned that in my Linguistics class. :D

    Also, fuckin' better be playin settlers.
